
Family roles are very common in Japan when referring to and addressing your own family. In saying this, it really depends on your personal preferences or what each family member prefers to use. Some children may use パパ for "Dad" or ママ for "Mum" instead of the normal words. Some of these words may switch honorifics between ちゃん (chan) and さん (san).

English Romaji Kana Kanji
Dad otousan おとうさん お父さん
Mum okaasan おかあさん お母さん
Older Brother oniichan おにいちゃん お兄ちゃん
Older Sister oneechan おねえちゃん お姉ちゃん
Younger Brother otouto おとうと
Younger Sister imouto いもうと
Uncle ojichan おじちゃん 叔父ちゃん
Auntie obachan おばちゃん 叔母ちゃん
Grandpa ojiichan おじいちゃん お祖父ちゃん
Grandma obaachan おばあちゃん お祖母ちゃん
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Including the word list above, here is another set of words but these are more common with children. Some adults especially women may continue to use them to act cute but generally most people switch to the regular words by the time of getting into secondary/high school.

English Romaji Kana
C Pa (Dada) papa パパ
C Ma (Mama) mama ママ
C Grandpa jiiji じいじ
C Grandma baaba ばあば
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You may refer to older siblings using their name and family role together. However, when referring to family who are younger than you, it's common to just use their name. Also, there is no word for brother and sister in Japanese, they are either older or younger than the you.

Japanese English
otousan, konohito wa yuta-san
Dad, this person is Yuta-san
oneechan, ganbaru
Sister, hang in there
shinobu-oneechan, mama wa sushi o tsukutte
Shinobu-onnechan, mum made sushi
(Older Sister Shinobu, mama made sushi)

Also, it should be mentioned that it is not unusual that grandparents may refer to your parents using おとうさん or おかあさん, even your own parents may do so too; this is similar to English or at least in the UK where some parents may refer to each other as dad or mum when talking to their children.

These words are only used when talking directly to a family member or when you are talking about them in casual conversations with other family members or close friends.

Talking About Your Own Family

When talking to other people about your family members, it is more respectful to use the following words: (The reason we've added "My" here is because they should only be used when talking about your own family to people who are not your family members).

English Romaji Kana Kanji
F My Father chichi ちち
F My Mother haha はは
F My Siblings kyoudai きょうだい 兄弟
F My Older Brother oni おに
F My Older Sister one おね
F My Younger Brother otouto おとうと
F My Younger Sister imouto いもうと
F My Uncle oji おじ 叔父
F My Auntie oba おば 叔母
F My Grandpa sofu そふ 祖父
F My Grandma sobo そぼ 祖母
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Even in formal settings, if you are talking directly to a family member, you would use the casual family roles seen in the previous section instead. However, when talking to someone who isn't family then these formal words should be used.

Actor Dialogue


okaasan, konohito wa yuta-san desu

Mum, this is Yuta-san.



yuta-san, uchi no haha desu

Yuta-san, this is my mother.

These words are only used when talking about your own family to other people who are not your family members.

  • DO NOT use them when talking directly to your own family.
  • DO NOT use them when talking about other people's families.

For example, you can't say "yuta no haha" because this is Yuta's mother, not yours. You can say "watashi no haha" because you are referring to your own mother.

Talking About Other People's Family

Here are the words to use when talking about other people's family members. Notice that most of these are similar to the list before, except for "Your Siblings" which starts with ; this simply adds more politeness and formality. Remember to be more respectful when talking about others' families.

English Romaji Kana Kanji
F Your Father otousan おとうさん お父さん
F Your Mother okaasan おかあさん お母さん
F Your Siblings gokyoudai ごきょうだい ご兄弟
F Your Older Brother oniisan おにいさん お兄さん
F Your Older Sister oneesan おねえさん お姉さん
F Your Younger Brother otouto おとうと
F Your Younger Sister imouto いもうと
F Your Uncle ojisan おじさん 叔父さん
F Your Auntie obasan おばさん 叔母さん
F Your Grandpa ojiisan おじいさん お祖父さん
F Your Grandma obaasan おばあさん お祖母さん
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Here, we can see that the さん (san) honorific is used. We'll look at honorifics in the next lesson to see why using ちゃん (chan) would make a difference.

Extended Family Roles

Here are the words that may be useful to refer to relationships or if you are married or talking about someone else who is married. Also notice that かのじょ can be used for "She" and "Girlfriend".

English Romaji Kana Kanji
My Husband otto おっと
My Wife kanai かない 家内
My Son musuko むすこ 息子
My Daughter musume むすめ
F Your Husband goshujin ごしゅじん ご主人
F Your Wife okusan おくさん 奥さん
F Your Son musukosan むすこさん 息子さん
F Your Daughter musumesan むすめさん 娘さん
Girlfriend kanojo かのじょ 彼女
Boyfriend bo-i furendo ボーイフレンド
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More Useful words

Here are some more useful words to know. The word おたく (otaku) may sound familiar as it has become an English word for "anime nerd", however, it originally means "Your honourable home" but is also used as a very formal and politer way of saying あなた (anata) "You". Some people may say it sounds outdated, though you may still hear it being used casually, sometimes in a business setting.

English Romaji Kana Kanji
F My watashi no わたしの 私の
F Your otaku no おたくの
Your anata no あなたの
f Your omae no おまえの お前の
F This person konokata このかた この方
This person konohito このひと この人
Friend tomodachi ともだち 友達
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Be careful about using おまえ (omae); this means "you" but it is very casual or too familial and may make you sound very rude or even offensive in certain context. It should only be used with very close friends.

Japanese English
watashi no tomodachi no okaasan
My friend's mum
watashi no haha no tomodachi
My mum's friend
konokata wa otaku no ojiisan desu ka
Is this your grandfather?
(This person, is he your grandfather?)
gokyoudai wa imasu ka
Do you have siblings?
(On the topic of your siblings, they exist?)

Additional Notes

Some words may have different meanings or expressions so check out online dictionaries such as or to find out more.

Please remember, the example sentences we are giving may be presented in an unnatural or artificial way. Continue to broaden your research and listen to how real Japanese people use these words. The main point here is to understand how the language itself works which is done using artificial examples.