Vimeo Suspension #4353483

Unknown Issue

It looks like your account has been disabled due to a violation. It may be in violation of our Acceptable User Policy.

Copyright Violation

Limited on:
17th October 2019


  • 17th October 2019

    It looks like our automated filters flagged your account by mistake.

    Case# 4353483

  • 17th October 2019

    Your account has been disabled.

    Case# 4353483

Account Restored Closed

Your account has been restored

Case# 4353483

17th October 2019


@ Vimeo Support

Hi there,

It looks like our automated filters flagged your account by mistake. Sorry about that!

I have restored and un-flagged your account. Your videos should be back up and running just as before.

I've also taken measures to ensure that this will not happen in the future.

Our apologies for any inconvenience this caused.

{name redacted}
Trust & Safety

17th October 2019, 13:20 UTC+0

Your account has been disabled

Case# 4353483

17th October 2019


I have recently created an account on "" and uploaded my first video to get to know how the site works and what there is to offer compared to YouTube. I was updating my profile page when I was suddenly logged out. When login back in I get the message: "It looks like your account has been disabled due to a violation..." / "... it may be in violation of our Acceptable User Policy.".

I am not clear why and what violation happened and if it's possible to regain access.

However, to guess, I assume this may be caused by the video I uploaded (5.1 Copyright Policy) at "" which does not infringe any copyright laws.

The video uploaded is my recording of a Public Domain piece of Music by Frédéric Chopin a 19th century (1810-1849) composer who's works are no longer under any copyright protection anywhere. All the content of this video and music is my own original content (audio & visual).


I believe that this a false-positive of DRM flagging the content and myself a newly signed up user.

17th October 2019, 13:06 UTC+0

Updated: 27 August 2024
UUID: 4b8149f6-a834-4b89-91c1-22f25093a9af