Conjunctions with ので

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Additional Notes

Some words may have different meanings or expressions so check out online dictionaries such as or to find out more.

These example sentences may be presented in an unnatural or artificial way. Continue to broaden your research and listen to how real Japanese native people speak. It's important to make sure you have many other resources to use. Do not rely on this website alone.

The lack of the "Oxford Comma" in this lesson:

Please note that the use of the Oxford Comma is completely unnecessary and optional in the English language but many people do use it as a stylistic choice, even though it's misunderstood and used 99.99% of the time in situations where it should not ever need to be used.

The main reason here is the lack of understanding of "context" in the Western world. Most people struggle to identify the difference between clauses and lists which leads to ambiguity.

If I say "I met my parents, Humpty Dumpty and Cinderella", it should be pretty obvious from context to know whether those are the names of my parents or separate individuals. Any need for an optional comma then you should consider rearranging or rephrasing the sentence to remove such ambiguity.

There is also no need to include it into every Japanese sentence either, it is only a personal choice. The character for the comma in Japanese can literally be placed anywhere in a sentence as it has no affect at all on the overall meaning like in English; it generally expresses pauses in natural speech and may replace particles that are obvious, most commonly or for lists and clauses.

Here is a list of other pages as a reference of what else you may be interested in reading: