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What does 「ナイスパ」 mean?

「ナイスパ」 is a Japanese internet slang derived from 「ナイス・スーパーチャット」 (Nice Super Chat). It is used in YouTube live streams to express appreciation and support when a viewer gives a donation though Super Chat.

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Gojuuon by Kitahara Hakushu

水馬赤いな。ア、イ、ウ、エ、オ。 浮藻に小蝦もおよいでる。 柿の木、栗の木。カ、キ、ク、ケ、コ。

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Why are flowers beautiful?

For whom does the flower bloom? It is for no one. A flower blooms only because it is a flower. It is only by fulfilling the role it has been given, in the environment it has been given, to the best of its ability, that it can pass on its life to the next generation.