
Relating to Japan or its language, culture or people.

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Eight Types of Particles

11 Oct 2024

japaneseThere are many types of particles in the Japanese language but there are eight main core types particles that are most commonly used.


posts「ナイスパ」 is a Japanese internet slang derived from 「ナイス・スーパーチャット」 (Nice Super Chat). It is used in YouTube live streams to express appreciation and support when a viewer gives a donation though Super Chat.


Kanji (Part I)

8 Apr 2024

japaneseComing soon


Conjunctions with ので

5 Apr 2024

japaneseComing soon


Conjunctions with から

5 Apr 2024

japaneseComing soon


japaneseThe particle から is very common and has many uses but its main features are to indicate the source or starting point of something or to express the state before a change.


Giving and Receiving

5 Apr 2024

japaneseThere are two different ways of saying "to give", depending on the one who is doing the act of giving or receiving and on the assumption that the receiver will feel happy about what is being given to them.


japaneseMore information about が and けど. The use of the conjunctive particle けど is pretty much the same as the が particle except for the difference in formality and casual usage.


Ending Particle: なあ

3 Feb 2024

japaneseRather than make a straightforward statement about your emotions and desires, なあ helps to express your feelings emotionally when you're speaking to yourself.


japaneseWhen we have a desire to want someone to do something, we use the verb "to want" to express this; the equivalent to this in Japanese is てほしい
